Sunday, November 27, 2011

decoration with flowers - emty tomato sauce glasses

I always find it a bit sad to trough away the nice glasses, which coming with pasta sauce ;-)
Now I funs a nice way to use them.
Just decorate them with some buttons on top - you can use wire, wool or anything else for it and then add some flowers.
See the pictures!
Hope you like it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

walnuts with ginger


Walnuts with ginger - you have to try it out.

for 4 portions nuts:

300g walnut halves * 1 tbsp honey * 2 tbsp water * 2 1/2 teaspoons grated ginger * 1 teaspoon sunflower oil * 1 teaspoon sea salt * 50 g sugar

spread the walnuts on a baking tray (use baking paper sheet)and then roast the nuts in a on 200 degrees preheated oven for about 10 minutes.

Mix honey, water, ginger and oil in a wide pan and boil it shortly.

Add the hot nuts and let it cook stirring until all liquid has evaporated.

Put the sugar and the salt into a bowl and mix it. Stir in the nuts and then let it cool an a baking tray with a backing paper sheet.

Thats it!!
Good apetit!